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Protect Your Roof with Colorbond Flashings – Don’t Let Gaps Ruin Your Roof

Colorbond Flashings are crucial in the building industry, especially for roofing and cladding systems. They protect against water infiltration and maintain the project’s integrity. 

Like any other part of a building project, Flashings can experience problems that can affect their performance over time. This post will discuss some common issues with Flashings and offer practical advice to prevent them, ensuring the longevity and effectiveness of your roofing or cladding system. 


Incorrect Installation

Improper flashing installation is a leading cause of roof leaks. Different types of flashing profiles require varying installation techniques to serve their intended purpose. To prevent leaks, it is essential to install flashing correctly, ensuring a watertight seal on all joints and mitres. A general guideline is to allow for a 150-200mm overlap at any join, but this may vary depending on the pitch of the flashing. Mitred joints can be challenging to cut and install, particularly when the flashing needs to cover/seal different directions at varying angles. If you are uncertain about proper installation methods, it is advisable to seek guidance from a qualified roofing expert to avoid any potential issues. 


Flashing Gaps & Separation

As time passes, different factors such as foundation or structural movement, changes in temperature, wind forces, or incorrect fastening can cause flashing to separate from the surface it’s protecting or attached to. When this happens, gaps can form that allow water to seep in. To prevent this from happening, it’s essential to regularly inspect the flashing and promptly reattach or seal any loose sections. Using appropriate roof and gutter sealants or adhesives can also add durability. Consider replacing the flashing with custom-made flashings suitable for the specific situation. 



Regarding steel roofs and flashings, rust formation is a significant concern unless made of Colorbond or Zincalume steel. If you haven’t used these materials, exposure to moisture, extreme weather, and corrosive elements over time may lead to rust formation. The best way to prevent corrosion is to use Colorbond or Zincalume steel for all your steel roofing needs. If you haven’t, it’s essential to inspect and maintain your roof regularly for signs of rust, such as discolouration or bubbling paint. If you find rust, clean, treat, or replace the affected flashing sections promptly. 


Blocked or Inadequate Drainage

Insufficiently sized or blocked gutters and downpipes, or an inadequate drainage system, can cause water to accumulate around flashings, resulting in leaks and damage to your roof and anything it protects. To avoid moisture-related problems, keeping your gutters clear and functioning is crucial. You can regularly remove debris, leaves, and other materials that may obstruct drainage channels and flashings. A well-designed and maintained drainage system will help ensure adequate water flow away from the flashings. 


Lack of Maintenance

It is important to regularly maintain your Colorbond flashing to prevent minor issues from becoming major problems. It is best to schedule inspections during routine roof maintenance checks and address any issues promptly to protect the overall integrity of your roofing system. 


 To keep your roofing system in good condition, it’s important to address common Colorbond flashing issues before they become significant problems. Regular inspections, proper installation, adequate drainage, and timely maintenance can prevent costly repairs and protect your property from water damage. By being proactive, you can ensure that your Colorbond flashing performs well for years. Remember to invest in preventive maintenance to keep your flashing in optimal condition. With proper care, you can enjoy a reliable and watertight roofing system that lasts.

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